Saturday, July 13, 2013

Study Rooms

Every liberry I've worked in has study room issues.  My current branch, W, is no exception.

Almost every week I explain the rule that each group gets just one reservation per week.  The rules are posted on the door.  But most people don't get it.

For example, today I had my weekly argument with the 2 ladies want to use the room more than once a week.  I told them that we have the rule because the rooms get booked quickly and they are very popular.  And, if I were to break the rule for them, how fair would that be for the other customers?

One of the women replied that she would like to "repeal" that rule.  I said let me get my supervisor to explain.  Annabelle told the women exactly what I had said and wouldn't "repeal" the rule.  (Thank you Annabelle for saving the day).  Then the conversation switched gears-- they started to complain about the size of the parking lot!  (And last week the side issue was the air conditioning).  Some people are never happy!

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