Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kim's Wedding: Part Two

When we saw that great weather was coming for the wedding day, we planned a last minute picnic on the lake. It turned out to be one of the highlights of the weekend. 

Despite the hot, sunny weather, the lake is still ridiculously frigid at this time of year, especially as it had snowed in the Adirondacks just the week before. I was impressed to see that some of our friends had already been swimming by the time I arrived with the bride in tow. As native Adirondackers, Kim and I both knew we'd have to meet their challenge. So we pulled a group of intrepid would-be swimmers together and got ourselves psyched up with some jumping on the dock.
One of my favorite memories of the weekend was when our friend Megan suggested we all think of Kim and Till when the cold water rushed over our bodies and send all that energy their way. I'm sure that will start a new tradition for me - every time I jump in cold water (which I love to do) I will think of someone or something to send the rush to.
My family has been picnic-ing at this boathouse nearly all our lives so it was so much fun to share it with friends from all over.

The double decker water jump is Zach's signature move, and he got the groom be his 1st deck for wedding day good luck. 

Kim and me sharing the happiness with our beautiful Mama. 
Kim and I went straight to The Uplands after lunch to get ready for the wedding. I snuck into the dining room on my way upstairs to have a peak at the beautiful room my mom had decorated for the dinner that night. 
Every time I went up or down the stairs at The Uplands, my attention was grabbed by this painting of Phebe, it's owner. I just can't get over the outfit!

A detail of the room where Kimberly was getting dressed. This is why we love this house so much. It has such style, but in a very personal and unpretentious way.

As maid of honor, I was the last in the procession before Kimberly did her wedding march. I couldn't resist turning around a take a picture. Here she comes with our dad and step dad.
Love and Lanvin! The dress was made of the softest, most delicate silk tulle - it was like a cobweb.
The kiss!! (photo credit: my husband) 
I managed to get a quick closeup on the porch while we waited for a rain shower to stop. I love the flowers. And the veil.
Even Til is in awe of her dress, which you can see more details of here. I love the cut gathering at the waist and on the shoulder. On the other side was Lanvin's signature exposed zip which brought the dress into the 21st century.
The wedding children.

The bridal moose. We tried to match her to the real bride as much as possible. I hope Alber would be proud!
Mom and her best friend Mimi, having a quick recap of the ceremony before going into dinner.

On Sunday we had brunch at The Ausable Club before everyone took off. I love the bathroom there so much, I just had to show it to you. 

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