Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fashion in Art: Anh Duong

Hi everyone. God, I've been delinquent on my posts recently! I'm sorry to have left you hanging. I had my book proposal due, and then I had a painful week-long drama with an infected wisdom tooth that eventually had to be taken out, and then I went to New York for 10 days for my sister's wedding. I will post some pics from that in the coming days. Wait 'til you see her stunning Lanvin dress!!

Don't worry I am not abandoning my blog. I love doing my blog. I see it as a weekly creative practice that motivates me to write, take pictures, and do research that all contribute to the other projects I am working on. It's like a little laboratory of ideas. But occasionally when I am fully focused on those other projects I need to give them all my attention. When I am away I encourage you to follow me on Instagram. My user name is amandacbrooks. I post nearly every day, if not multiple times a day!

So at the moment I've been fixated on looking at fashion thru the eyes of artists. I love the timeless quality clothes take on when they are painted, regardless of how trendy they are in real life. Anh Duong is a particularly compelling painter of clothes. Because she is a girl who loves fashion in her own life, there is a particularly personal and complex relationship between herself and the way she dresses herself in her paintings. They are not only engaging to see when first painted, but as with some of the older ones shown below, they will become even more interesting and iconic over time.

Do you remember this dress? It's from the 90's, and I'm pretty sure it's Donna Karan or DKNY. I wish I had bought it. 
I don't know who made this trench but I imagine it's by someone iconic, like Burberry. It's incredible how dramatically the folds of the trench are painted. I also love the fishnets and the glimpse of the red soles on the Louboutin boots. Remember that Fendi bag?
This might be my favorite of all of Anh's self-portraits. Anh was one of my very first friends when I first moved to New York, and this painting reminds me of how she is dressed when we are out of the city relaxing in our down time. It reminds me of riding our bikes from her house to have a swim in the nearby bay. Also, what's more timeless and chic than a striped shirt with jean shorts, a sun hat and flip flops?
Obviously I love the leopard, but I also love it in the context of the quotidian NYC life in the background.
I love this DVF dress. I actually wore it to the launch of I Love Your Style in 2009 that DVF hosted for me, but I think its looks even better here as Anh portrayed it. I can't even imagine trying to paint ruched polka dots!
The combination of the mundane (Listerine, presecription medicine, toothbrushes and razors)  and the glamorous (Missoni towels and Chanel no5 perfume) is inspired.
The colors in this painting are incredible, and I love the focus on the sunglasses and the thigh-highs.
This painting is another one of my favorites. I'm not sure who designed the gorgeous dress but if I had to guess I would say Lanvin?!? And isn't the teddy bear brilliant?
You must know by now that I am a sucker for fresh flowers in your hair.
The striped reflection, the way the lace is painted, and the Louboutin shoes and bag are all amazing. I love this one.
Anh in her Christian Lacroix couture wedding dress and the self-portrait she did wearing it. It was - and still is - one of my all-time favorite wedding dresses. 
The colors and details in the floral lingerie and the stripes - in fact, in the entire painting - are incredible. If I had the chance to hang one in my house, this would be it. 

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