Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I ♥ Your Style: Rachel Chandler Guinness

While I'm on the subject of weddings, can we all just take a moment to be obsessed with Rachel Chandler Guinness? I first saw her about three years ago at a fashion show. It was Tara Subkoff's second Imitation of Christ show after attempting to take back the label she founded, and all the cool girls were there - Chloe Sevigny, Jen Brill, Liz Goldwyn - but it was Rachel I noticed most. What caught my eye were her Belgian shoes. I grew up around Belgian shoes - the WASPy, old school half loafer / half orthopaedic shoe that you could only buy at their tiny, inconspicuous boutique on East 56th Street. Everyone in Palm Beach wore them. My dad still wears them! I had been through the Belgian shoe phase myself for a brief, channeling-my-grandmother moment in high school but had long since moved on. But there was Rachel wearing them in an entirely new context. She had peroxide blonde hair and wore her black Belgians with skin tight black jeans and a fitted, wool fisherman's sweater. She looked so cool.

I never saw Rachel again until her wedding was given a one-page in Vogue. It looked cool, but I wasn't drooling until I saw the rest of the pictures on Vogue.com! They are amazing. Her wedding style was 100% English, but it was at once traditional yet up-to-the-minute, romantic yet refined. I love the hand painted tent, the flower leis, the wobbling homemade cake, and especially Rachel's custom Haider Ackermann gown. The girl has seriously good style.

A friend's house where Rachel and Tom had their reception. 
A self-portrait of Rachel's Belgian shoes
I love how Rachel's style is simple and classic, but dead sexy
Because the wedding was held on Easter weekend, someone had the hilarious idea to appear as a bunny at the wedding.
Love her Balmain embroidered vest.

The tent would have been beautiful in any case, but I just love how they hand-painted the ceiling and walls. 

The dress!

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